Kilograms and pounds are used for the measurement of mass or weight. Pounds are represented by lbs while kilograms are represented by kg. Pounds are an imperial unit that is most often used in America, while kilograms are a metric unit that is commonly used in European countries.
The conversion of the pound into kilograms is measured as 1 pound is equal to 0.454 kilograms and 1 kilogram is equal to 2.2046 pounds. You have many ways to convert between these two units.
The conversion of pounds to kilograms
- Divide the number of pounds by 2.2046 to get the standard equation– You can easily convert the number of pounds by just dividing the number by 2.2046, and you will get the same weight in kilogram. For example, if you want to convert 50 pounds to kilograms, then you have to divide 50 by 2.2046, which equals 22.67985 kg. However, to convert 200 pounds to kilograms, you have to divide 200 by 2.2046, which is equal to 90.71940 kg.
- Multiply the number of pounds by 0.454 to get the standard equation. If you are a person who finds multiplication easier than the division, then you can use a different conversion factor to convert pounds to kilograms. It is pretty helpful for people who find multiplication easy. For instance, to convert 100 pounds to kilograms, what you have to do is multiply 100 by 0.454, which is equal to 45.4 kg.
- Round figure your answer to the hundredths place– In most of the conversions, you would not need to use more than three numbers after the decimal point in your convert figure. So, if your convert figure is 22.67985 than you have to round that figure to 22.68. Take another example to understand this conversion better. The round value of 90.71940 is 90.72.
An important point you shouldn’t miss is that you must not round the number of pounds before you convert pounds to kilograms.
The conversion of Kilograms to pounds
- Multiply the number of kilograms by 2.2046 to use the traditional formula– You can convert the weight of kilograms in pounds just by multiplying the weight in kilograms to 2.2046. Take an example where you have to convert 75 kilograms to a certain number of pounds. You can start the conversion process by multiplying 75 by 2.2046, which is equal to 165.345 lbs. Another example where you have to convert 350 kilograms to pounds, you have to multiply 350 by 2.2046, which is equal to 771.61 lbs.
- Convert by dividing the number of kilograms by 0.454 if you find division easier than multiplication– If you want to convert kilograms to pounds then you have an option to use division instead of multiplication. Thus, if you prefer division over multiplication, then you can use division to convert kilograms to pounds. Take an example where you have to convert a certain number of kilograms into pounds. How can you convert 25 kilograms to pounds by division? You have to divide 25 by 0.454, which equals 55.066 lbs. Similarly, if you have to divide 500 kilograms then divide this amount by 0.454 then you get 1,101.321 lbs.
- Remember that there will be more pounds than kilograms– It is as easy as it sounds to remember, because 1 kilogram is equal to 2.2046 pounds, there will always be more pounds than kilograms even when the weight measure is same.
You will always have a rough check to know the correctness of your answer if you remember that the number of pounds is always greater than kilograms in the conversion. Just keep this in mind and do recheck your calculations if you get an answer where kilograms are more than pounds.
For instance, there are 66.138 pounds in the weight of 30 kilograms and 2,204.6 pounds in the weight of 1,000 kilograms. In both examples, there are more pounds than kilograms.
With the help of these two steps, you can easily convert pounds to kilograms and vice versa. Furthermore, you can keep track of your answer by just remembering a few rules. I hope this helpful article will help you to understand the conversion of pounds to kilograms and vice versa.