What is the possible use of Google Gravity? Well, it is an alternative homepage that is always available, and you can able to play with its icons on the page. The google gravity functions are the same as an actual search engine like google. However, search results aren’t sorted in the way you can see in google search results.
How to do google gravity can be answered in 8 easy steps. These eight steps will help you to know how you can able to access the Google Gravity trick.
- Open a JavaScript-enabled web browser – You are free to use any common web browser you are using – Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge – to access the website. Make sure that the browser you are using must be JavaScript enabled. Most of the browsers have Javascript enabled by default. If not, you have to enable Javascript before proceeding in your favourite web browser.
- Open Google Search (Www.google.com) – The next step is exciting and quite common to do. You have to bring the homepage of google search engine. In case you don’t know, you have to type “https://www.google.com/ in your open web browser. If you are not working with a slow internet connection, then this page will load on your computer within a second. What you will see on-page is the big colourful GOOGLE logo in the middle of your fresh-opened page that has a search bar below the logo.
- Click on Search Bar – It’s all going good if you find the search bar. With the new feature updated with a google search box, you can use the voice search also to search whatever you want to. You have to click on the search bar to activate the search bar on the page. Once the search bar of the page is activated, you can search for anything, and you would not get disappointed by the number of search results that Google will show you.
- Type Google Gravity – The next step is to use your fingers and type “GOOGLE GRAVITY†in that activated search Bar box that lies in the middle of the page below the big colourful logo of Google. Google search results are based on keyword analysis. However, the search for Google Gravity will show you or move you to the desired page you want to go in the first place.
- Click the Tab ‘I’m Feeling Lucky – Once you have typed the “Google Gravity†in the search bar, then you have to click “I’m Feeling Lucky†tab. You can easily find this tab below the Search Bar along with google search. If you do it well, then you will easily open the Google Gravity page. Furthermore, if you choose to click enter on Google search tab, the result will be the same as the Google gravity site will be the top result. Thus, one way or other you will land on the Google gravity page.
- Wait to see Google Gravity Page – This process will set you off a bit as you have to wait to load the Google Gravity page. Make all your ad blocker extensions are off to get better search experience. It may take a minute sometimes if you are working with a slow internet connection. You can proceed if you see the Google Gravity interface appearing on your computer screen. The interface looks pretty similar to the Google homepage. You can continue with your google searches once you see the search bar and Google logo appears on the screen.
- Slightly move your cursor – It is a crucial step where you have to move your mouse cursor onto the white part of the page. It will cause the page elements, various other buttons along with the Google logo to drop down to the page bottom. Once all the buttons, tabs, and Google logos have fallen to the bottom of the page, you can toss them around the page simply by dragging and clicking on the icons and bars.
- Click the link to access Google Gravity page – It is an alternate option if you fail to load the Google gravity page by hovering over I’m Feeling Lucky button on the Google homepage.
You can also visit the link “https://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google-gravity/†on your computer’s web browser. It will help you access the google gravity page.
Important information – The link provided in step 8 of ‘How to do google Gravity’ will also helpful for mobile users as it will help you to open Google gravity page in mobile browsers as well.